Our Integrated Project Alliance

„Together with you we want to ensure an efficient, collaborative and integrated project management and delivery for our major project S-line S4.

We are meeting as equals, working together as partners, cooperatively and innovatively, always having the same goal in mind: efficient, successful, low-risk, economical, and fast project implementation.

Join us and become one of our project alliance partners in the S4 project.

We are looking forward to turning our S4 into a lighthouse project by working together in a partnership-based, integrated manner.“

Amina Karam, 
General Project Director S-Bahn S4 & 
High-Performance Corridor Hamburg-Lübeck

Amina Karam

Oliver Lang

Attention construction companies - find out the dates for the alliance packages now!

Vergabeterminplan S4

S-Bahnlinie S4

Timetable S-Bahnline S4

On March 5, 2024, we presented the final alliance packages for the partnership model in sections 2 and 3 of the S-Bahnline S4 as part of our second market information. You can find the presentation here.

Now the time has come: in this overview or in the document under downloads you will find all further details and the dates of all packages for the project alliance. Join us and shape the S-Bahnline S4 together with us!

Principles of Integrated Project Alliances

  • early involvement of all relevant stakeholders in our value chain as project alliance partners
  • expertise competition instead of price competition
  • everyone pursues a common goal with the intention „Best for Project“ 
  • common standard for action and success
  • shared success due to active collaboration between all project partners
  • joint cost and risk management 
  • innovative solutions by integrating planning and construction at an earlier stage
  • cost-effective, efficient, and low-risk project realisation

A major project is like a constellation of cogwheels.

Every action and decision has an effect on every element in the project. The concept of the integrated project delivery aims at coordinating this constellation of cogwheels, thus, harmonising the execution of the project.


Das Großprojekt ist eine Konstellation aus Zahnrädern: Jede Handlung und Entscheidung in der Planung und Umsetzung wirkt sich auf jedes Element des Projekts aus. Das Partnerschaftsmodell Schiene soll diese Konstellation aufeinander abstimmen und somit die Projektabwicklung harmonisieren.

Project Process

Elements of the Remuneration Model

Integral Cost Calculation and Risk Management 
- Cost Composition

Principles of integral cost calculation

  • target costs must be realistic and set so they can be undercut
  • target costs are set on the basis of the manufacturing costs
  • target costs include the identified and assessed risks
  • target profit for alliance partners = profit of exact attainment of target costs
    • if final costs = target costs, 
      then profit = target profit
  • price share of general business costs and profit are set proportionally
  • target price = target costs + general business costs + profit
  • if the target costs are undercut, an additional bonus is achieved
  • if the target costs are exceeded, a malus is realised
integrale Kostenermittlung

Prof. Dr. Philip Sander/S4 - DB InfraGO AG

Figure 1: Requirements for integral cost calculation

integrale Kostenermittlung

Prof. Dr. Philip Sander/S4 - DB InfraGO AG

Figure 2: Components of integral cost calculation

Integral Risk Management serves the purpose:

  • of a joint elaboration of the planning, costs, schedule, opportunities, and risks of the project
  • of assessing all risks and opportunities in the form of workshops before the construction phase begins
  • of enabling the early involvement of all alliance partners in the risk management which is jointly supported and accounted for

Organisational Structure



Requirements for the Project Alliance

Anforderungen Allianzpartner


Become our Alliance Partner in our Major S4 Projectt S-Bahnlinie S4

We are looking forward to jointly realise the integrated project alliance and delivery in the S4 project.

You are interested or you have questions?

Send us a message!

Our Contact Persons

General Project Director

Amina KaramGesamtleiterin 
S-Bahn S4 & 
HLK Hamburg-Lübeck


Pia HaskampTeamleiterin Stakeholdermanagement

Elena AhrensOrganisation & Stakeholdermanagement 
16.07.2024Construction site camera on section 1