Privacy policy

You can use our website without providing personal data. However, if you wish to use certain services or book a journey via our website, we may have to process personal data. If it is necessary for us to process personal data but there is no legal basis for this activity (e.g. a contractual agreement), we will ask for your consent. This privacy statement provides you with information about the data we collect from you, the way we use it and how to revoke your consent to your data's use.

Information regarding the collection of personal data

The purpose of this privacy statement is to inform you that we collect personal information from people who use our website. Personal data comprises all data that can be related to you personally, e.g. name, address, e-mail addresses and user behaviour.

The purpose of this privacy statement is to inform you that we collect personal information from people who use our website. Personal data comprises all data that can be related to you personally, e.g. name, address, e-mail addresses and user behaviour.

DB InfraGO AG, with an address at Adam-Riese-Strasse 11-13, 60327 Frankfurt, Germany, is responsible for collecting and processing your data.

Chris Newiger is the appointed data protection officer.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding data privacy in connection with, please contact us:

Pia Haskamp
Hammerbrookstrasse 44
20097 Hamburg

E-mail: s4 (at)

We may commission service providers to deliver certain services in our range of offerings or if we wish to use your data for advertising purposes. Information regarding the use of your data in such situations is available below. We will also inform you of the details of the specific storage period.

Collection and use of personal data (purposes of processing and legal basis)

This section contains a description of the personal data collected for specific processing activities.

We collect and process your data exclusively for a limited number of purposes arising from technical requirements, contractual obligations or users' express requests.

For technical reasons, we must collect and save certain data when you visit, such as the date and duration of your visit, the webpages that you use, the type of browser and operating system that you use, and the website that routed you to our website.

Purposes of processing

  • Contact requests and communication.
  • Tracking (e.g. collecting statistical information, assessing remarketing campaigns, cookie use).
  • Ensuring that comment features function correctly.
  • We are not obliged to issue personal data.

Legal basis (authorisation as per Article 6 GDPR)

Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR serves as the legal basis permitting our company to process information. We obtain permission to process information for the reason in question. Processing is based on Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR if we are required to process personal data in order to meet the terms of a contract with the data subject. This is the case when delivering goods, providing another service or in the event of a reciprocal service. The same applies to such processing activities that are necessary to implement pre-contractual measures, as is the case with enquiries about our products or services. If our company is required by law to process personal data, e.g. for meeting taxation-related requirements, the relevant processing measures are based on Article 6 (1) (c) GDPR. In rare instances, we may be required to process personal data to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person, for example if someone visiting our premises were to be injured and their name, age, health insurance details or other vital information must be forwarded to a doctor, hospital or other third party as a result of their injury. In such a case, processing would be based on Article 6 (1) (d) GDPR. Processing can ultimately also be based on Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR. Processing which is not covered by another legal basis named here may be performed on this particular basis if it is necessary to protect a legitimate interest of our company or of a third party, provided that the interests and fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject do not take priority. We are permitted to process relevant information in such situations because they have been specifically mentioned in European law, which takes the view that a legitimate interest might be given if the data subject is a customer of the controller (recital 47, item 2 re. GDPR).

Transfer to third countries

If we process data in a third country, i.e. outside the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA), or if processing takes place as part of the use of third-party services or as part of the disclosure or transfer of data to other persons, bodies or companies, this is subject to the relevant legal requirements. Except in the context of express consent or a transfer required due to contractual or legal conditions, we only process data or commission its processing in third countries that have a recognised level of data protection, a contractual obligation due to standard EU protection clauses, when certification or binding internal data protection regulations as per Articles 44 – 49 GDPR are in existence.

Duration of data storage

Each offer contains detailed information regarding how long we store your personal data. If longer storage is required for legal reasons, we restrict further use of your data until the expiry of the relevant retention periods, and we delete it when these periods end.

Obligation to provide personal data

We indicate when we are obliged to provide personal data to third parties, such as government authorities or private institutions.

Data collected

This section describes the personal data collected for specific processing activities.

Recipients / categories of recipients

This section describes all of the recipients of the personal data we collect for specific processing activities.

Data subjects' rights

This section describes your rights as a data subject in connection with how your personal data is processed. There is also further information about settings and contact options for the services we offer.

Automated decisions and profiling

In connection with this privacy policy, we provide prompt notification as soon as we undertake automated decisions, including profiling, and provide you with meaningful information about the systems such decisions use as well as about their scope and intended consequences for the relevant data subject.

Website functions and features

Our website offers a range of features that can be used by people who are interested in what we do. This normally requires additional personal details from you. We then use these to provide you with the service in question, and this information is subject to the relevant data processing guidelines (described in advance). In some cases, we use external service providers to process your data. We carefully select our providers and commission specific services from them. They are bound by our instructions and are subject to regular checks.

In some cases, we use external service providers to process your data. We carefully select our providers and commission specific services from them. They are bound by our instructions and are subject to regular checks.

We do not forward personal data to third parties unless we have a justified reason as per Art. 6 GDPR. For example, we may share your personal data with third parties when concluding a contract or providing similar services with the assistance of business partners. We provide you with further information whenever you supply personal details, or this information is below as part of the description of the particular offer.

Using the website for informational purposes

If you merely wish to use our website as a source of information (i.e. you do not register or forward any other kind of information to us), we only store the personal data supplied by your browser (server log file). We use functional cookies to ensure that core features, such as site navigation and access to protected areas, can operate correctly. The website cannot function correctly without these cookies. When you view our website, we collect the following data as it is a technical requirement for displaying content and ensuring the site's stability and security.

Data collected

  • IP address
  • Date and time of page access
  • Time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  • Content accessed (specific page)
  • Amount of data transferred
  • Website from which the request came
  • Browser
  • Operating system
  • Language and version of the browser software
  • Internet service provider of the system accessing our website

Purposes of processing

DB InfraGO AG uses the server log file to monitor the technical operation of this website. Functional cookies are necessary so that you have unrestricted access to our website.

Legal basis

The legal basis for using the server log file and functional cookies is our legitimate interest as per Article 6 (1) (1) (f) GDPR.

Recipients / categories of recipients

DB InfraGO AG is the party which receives the collected data.

Transfer to third countries

We do not transfer your personal data to third countries.

Duration of data storage

  • We store server log files for 30 days.
  • We store functional cookies for the duration of the current session.

Data subjects' rights

If you do not want your computer to store cookies, you can deactivate the relevant option in your browser settings. You can use your browser settings to delete stored cookies. Rejecting certain cookies may impair the website's functions.


Cookies are small text files used to store personal data. Cookies may be sent to a website when it is visited. They allow the user to be identified. Cookies help us to simplify website usage for users.

We differentiate between cookies that are essential for the technical functions of the website and cookies that are not essential for the technical functions of the website.

We want to give you the opportunity to make an informed decision about whether or not to use cookies that are not essential for the technical functions of the website. Please note that by rejecting cookies used for promotional purposes, any advertising you receive will not be tailored as carefully to your interests as would otherwise be the case. However, you can continue to use all of the website's features.

This section contains information about the nature and extent of cookie usage on our webpages.

You can use if cookies that are not for technical purposes are inactive. This means that you can prevent the tracking of cookies in your browser (do not track, tracking protection list, etc.) or prohibit the storage of third-party cookies. We also recommend that you regularly check saved cookies unless you explicitly wish them to be used.

Please note that when deleting all cookies, any opt-out cookies previously saved will also be deleted, meaning that you must declare your objections again.

Cookies that are essential for the use the website: session cookie.

A session cookie stores a randomly generated unique identification number, the session ID. This is required in order to tell the website whether the user is logged in. The server deletes the session cookies used on when you end your session.

The following links provide further information about how to manage cookies (including deleting them) in the main types of browser.
Chrome Browser: https:
// Explorer: https:
// Firefox:

Data subjects' rights

If you do not want your computer to store cookies, you can deactivate the relevant option in your browser settings. You can use your browser settings to delete stored cookies. Rejecting certain cookies may impair the website's functions.


Anyone interested in our activities can subscribe to our newsletter.
Information about the contents of our mailing list, how to subscribe and how we send our newsletter is available immediately below. We have also included information about statistical evaluation processes and your rights to object. By subscribing, you agree to receive our newsletter and to the processes described here.
Newsletter content: We send newsletters, e-mails and other electronic notifications with promotional content (hereinafter referred to as "newsletter") only upon receiving the recipient's consent or other legal permission. In cases where newsletter content is specifically described during registration, the user's consent applies only to the receipt of this content. Our newsletters contain information about our services and about us as a company.

Double opt-in and logging information:

The registration procedure for our newsletter uses what is known as a double opt-in process. This entails sending you an e-mail after registration asking you to confirm that you wish to receive our newsletter. This confirmation is necessary to prevent people from registering using someone else's e-mail addresses. We create a log of newsletter registrations as a means of proving that we handle the subscription process in line with legal requirements. The relevant information includes the point in time when registration takes place.

Data collected

Purposes of processing

We use this data only for the purpose of and within the scope of creating and sending newsletters, e-mails and other electronic notifications with promotional content.

The number of e-mail addresses used serves as the basis for assessing the success of our newsletter activities. It enables us to identify if the recipient has opened the newsletter and which website links in the newsletter they have clicked.

Legal basis

The newsletter is sent on the basis of the recipient's consent as per Articles 6 (1) (a) and 7 GDPR in conjunction with Article 7 (2) (3) of Germany's Unfair Competition Act (Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb) or, if consent is not required, on the basis of our legitimate direct marketing interests as per Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR in conjunction with Article 7 (3) of Germany's Unfair Competition Act.

Logging the registration process takes place on the basis of our legitimate interests as per Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR. Our goal is to operate a user-friendly and secure newsletter system that serves our business interests, meets users' expectations and enables us to provide evidence of consent.

Recipients / categories of recipients

DB InfraGO AG is the party which receives the collected data.

Transfer to third countries

We do not transfer your data to third countries.

Duration of data storage

In you do not confirm your newsletter subscription, we delete your data after the confirmation link expires. If you confirm your subscription, we store your data until you withdraw your consent.

In order to provide evidence of consent, we may store the e-mail addresses of unsubscribed individuals for up to three years based on our legitimate interests before deleting them. We process this data only if we are required to mount a legal defence against claims. Any individual can request the deletion of their data at any time provided they confirm that they had previously granted consent.

Data subjects' rights

You can unsubscribe, i.e. withdraw your consent, from our newsletter at any time. A link for unsubscribing is available at the end of each newsletter.

If you have any questions regarding data storage, please contact the following person: Pia Haskamp (DB InfraGO AG), e-mail: s4 (at)

Matomo (formerly Piwik)

If you provide consent, this website uses an on-premises version of Matomo, a web analytics service from InnoCraft Ltd., 150 Willis St, 6011 Wellington, New Zealand ("Matomo"). Using Matomo makes it possible to allocate data, sessions and interactions to a pseudonymous user ID across multiple devices, thereby analysing a user's activities on a cross-device basis.

Matomo uses cookies. These are text files that are stored on your computer and allow the way in which you use the website to be analysed. Website usage information generated by the cookie is stored on our server. Please note: This website has augmented Matomo by adding IP anonymisation to ensure the anonymisation of IP addresses ("IP masking"). The IP address transmitted by your browser when using Matomo is not merged with other data.

Further information about the terms and conditions of use and about data privacy is available at

Data collected

  • IP address (anonymised)
  • Pseudo-anonymised location (based on the anonymised IP address)
  • Date and time of page access
  • Title of the page accessed
  • URL of the page accessed
  • Screen resolution
  • Referrer URL (website that the request comes from)
  • Files that you click on and download
  • External links
  • How long it takes for the page to load
  • Country, region, city (low accuracy due to IP anonymisation)
  • Interaction with forms (but not their content)
  • Browser type, plugins and browser version
  • Language and version of browser software
  • Local time
  • Time zone difference from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  • Time spent on the website

Purposes of processing

DB InfraGO AG uses this information for evaluating your website usage and compiling website activity reports.

Legal basis

The legal basis for using Matomo is our legitimate interest in collecting and evaluating statistical data as per Article 6 (1) (1) (f) GDPR.

Recipients / categories of recipients

DB InfraGO AG is the party that receives the collected data.

Transmission to third countries

No personal data is transmitted to third countries.

Duration of data storage

The data sent by us and linked to cookies, user IDs (e.g. user ID) or advertising IDs is automatically deleted after 14 months. Once a month, data that has reached the end of its retention period is automatically deleted.

Data subjects' rights

You can withdraw your consent whenever you want by changing your browser settings so that your browser does not save cookies. Please note: If you do so, you may be unable to use all of the website's features.

Further information is available at

Deactivation options

If you do not want us to analyse your user behaviour, simply change your browser settings to prevent the use of an analysis cookie. You can use the cookie banner to decide whether to permit the storage of a unique web analysis cookie in your browser so that the website operator can record and analyse a range of statistical data.  


We use the provider YouTube to include videos on the website. YouTube is operated by YouTube LLC. Its principal place of business is 901 Cherry Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. YouTube is represented by Google Inc., headquartered at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

We use plugins from the provider YouTube LLC on some of our webpages. When you access a webpage featuring such a plugin, our system creates a connection to YouTube's servers. This transfers information about the webpages you have visited to YouTube's server. If you are logged in as a YouTube user, YouTube LLC adds this information to your personal user account. If you use the plugin, e.g. by clicking a video's start button, YouTube LLC also adds this information to your account.

Additional information on data processing and privacy at YouTube LLC (Google LLC) is available at

Purposes of processing

Your personal information is processed so that we can provide access to video data on our website.

Legal basis

The legal basis for using YouTube is your consent as per Article 6 (1) (1) (a) GDPR.

Recipients / categories of recipients

YouTube LLC (Google LLC) is the party which receives the data.

Transfer to third countries

We transfer personal data to servers in the USA for storage.

Duration of data storage

The data sent by us and linked to cookies, user IDs (e.g. user ID) or advertising IDs is automatically deleted after 14 months. Once a month, data that has reached the end of its retention period is automatically deleted.

Data subjects' rights

You can prevent systems from adding information to your account by logging out of your Google account before using our website and deleting the relevant Google LLC cookies. You can withdraw your consent whenever you want by changing your browser settings so that your browser does not save cookies. Please note: If you do so, you may be unable to use all of the website's features. You can also prevent Google LLC from recording and processing the data generated by the cookie relating to your use of the website (including your IP address) by downloading and installing a browser add-on.

Further information is available here:


Contacting us by e-mail

People using our website have several options for sending us enquiries by e-mail.
Please note that e-mail communication is generally not encrypted. If you want encrypted communication, you must perform encryption yourself. As a result, we assume no liability arising from the method used to transmit queries between the sender and our server. We therefore recommend submitting queries by post.

Data collected

  • E-mail address (mandatory)
  • Message (mandatory)

Purposes of processing

We use your data only for the purpose of answering your query and not in any other context.

Legal basis

The legal basis for processing your query is your consent as per Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR.

Recipients / categories of recipients

The recipient of the collected data is named in the relevant e-mail address.

Transfer to third countries

We do not transfer your personal data to third countries.

Duration of data storage

If you have not consented to further use, we delete your data after we answer your query.

Data subjects' rights

For questions regarding data storage, please contact the following person: Pia Haskamp (DB InfraGO AG), e-mail:

Construction Site Cam

We offer our visitors the possibility to follow the construction progress online on our website. Live images from a construction site camera are made available for this purpose.

Data collected

  • Live image data

Purposes of processing 

The purpose of the construction site camera is to give our customers the opportunity to follow the construction progress live.

Legal basis

The legal basis for processing your contact request is your consent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a) DSGVO.

Recipients / categories of recipients

The recipients of the collected data are DB InfraGO AG and wegmeister GmbH.

Transfer to third countries

The personal data will not be transferred to third countries.

Duration of data storage

The live images are temporarily stored for a fortnight and then overwritten.

Data subjects' rights

For questions regarding data storage, please contact the following person: Pia Haskamp (DB InfraGO AG), e-mail:

SSL and TLS encryption

This website uses SSL encryption to provide security and protect confidential data during transfer. Such data includes the information contained in requests you send to us, the website operator. You know that a connection is encrypted because the URL in the browser changes from "http://" to "https://", and the padlock symbol also appears there. Third parties are unable to access the data you send to us if SSL or TLS encryption is in use.

Information, deletion, correction, restricting processing, right to object, data portability

You have the following rights with regard to your personal data:

  • Right to information
  • Right to correction or deletion
  • Right to restrict processing
  • Right to object to processing
  • Right to data portability

If you wish to exercise one or more of these rights, please contact the relevant data processing office.

Pia Haskamp
Hammerbrookstrasse 44
20097 Hamburg

E-mail: s4 (at)

(Please see our site notice for further information)

You have the right to lodge complaints with a supervisory authority.

The supervisory authority responsible for DB InfraGO AG is
Der Hessische Datenschutzbeauftragte (data protection commissioner for the state of Hesse), P.O. Box 31 63, 65021 Wiesbaden, Germany
Entrance: Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 1, 65189 Wiesbaden, Germany 
Tel. +49 (0) 611/1408-0, fax +49 (0) 611/1408-900 or -901, website,


poststelle (at)


Changes to this privacy policy

DB InfraGO AG reserves the right to update or adapt this privacy policy in light of technical developments in the internet and the field of IT.

Last updated: April 2021

Picture credits

Each image contains information about its authorship.
As per Articles 15 and 19 (a) of Germany's Copyright Act (Urheberrechtsgesetz),

all other rights to the
visuals used on the site are held by DB InfraGO AG.

16.07.2024Construction site camera on section 1